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Performed, arranged and recorded by Neil Patton
Mastering graciously provided by
Michael Charles McDonald (synthartsstudio.com)

All songs are in the Public Domain.
These arrangements: ©2021 Neil Patton

Holy Ground – Impromptu Hymns

A new collection of hymn improvisations to support and encourage Joshua Bell and his family and friends.

Google Drive Link to Download Complete Album
(Click link, and then click "Neil Patton: Holy Ground – Impromptu Hymns" at the top of the page, then select "Download" from the dropdown menu.)

Please do not share or post this link to other sites or in emails. Instead, please direct interested parties to this page you are on now so they can learn about Joshua (and perhaps my music), as well.

YouTube Link to Stream Complete Album

Joshua Bell is a bright, creative and amazing young man who was recently diagnosed with bone and lung cancer (osteosarcoma). At the age of 16, he is facing a year of intense chemotherapy and surgeries.

I have been close friends with Joshua's mother since we were four years old. This was so hard to hear. So I sat at the piano and improvised on some hymns, recording as I went, thinking that I could send these as an encouragement to the family. The emotions and prayers I experienced as I played each day were both a comfort and a catharsis to me. In the process, the more I recorded, the more I realized these might be worth sharing with a wider audience. These recordings are quite different from anything else I have created in the past. Their spontaneity and "rawness", sometimes wandering, sometimes focused, reminded me of the divine conversation that prayer can be.

I will be releasing these recordings as an album soon, but I am making them available early
now to Joshua's support and prayer teams, free of charge. I am hoping these will encourage you, and maybe even serve as a background as you pray for Joshua and for others in your lives. For those on Joshua's 24-hour prayer team, the album runs just over one hour, which would cover your assigned time of prayer almost perfectly.

I am also making the album available on YouTube at an unlisted link, so you can stream the music wherever you have an Internet connection. (Unfortunately, due to copyright issues with one of the tracks, there may be ads that interrupt the stream. my apologies for this.) Once I officially release the album, it will be available on iTunes, Apple Music and Spotify, as well.